Wednesday, 15 April 2020

lock down

1. What have you been doing at home for the last 2 weeks of lock down?

I’ve been doing some work and watching youtube also helping in the house like cooking and cleaning.

2. How are you feeling? e.g. stressed because you can't leave the house, happy because you like being with your whanau

Pretty upset because it's really boring at home and happy because me and my family spend time by playing poker and quiz nights.

3. What do you miss the MOST since lock down has started?

I really miss school and fast food places just because I'm sick and tired of staying in the house.

4. What has been your favourite game/activity you have been doing at home?

My favourite game/activity has to be trivia/quiz night.

5. What is your favourite food you have been eating during lock down?

My  favourite food has to be bangers and mash
Full video: Ministry of Health's April 10 Covid-19 update | 1 NEWS ...

1 comment:

  1. Hi lesley, It's really great to see that your blogging during this lockdown, hopefully it's gotten you closer to you and your family, Anyways,
    Stay Safe and keep it up !!


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